How to see wifi password mac 2017
How to see wifi password mac 2017

how to see wifi password mac 2017

If you find yourself unable to see WiFi password on Mac because you haven’t connected to this network on that device, your next step is router reset. Meaning - change it, now! Reset your router The bad news, of course, is that default passwords are about as safe as “12345” or “password”. The good news is, the question “What’s my WiFi password?” is pretty much answered at this point since it’s typed right on your network router as WiFi password/PIN next to the default SSID name of your router (that’s the default network name you see when your device scans the area for available WiFi networks, but you can customize it).

how to see wifi password mac 2017

If you are connected to a home network you don’t even remember setting a password to or using an open WiFi connection at your place of business like a cafe or a small store, chances are, nobody actually thought to create a strong and secure password for your network and just left the default password of your network router on.

How to see wifi password mac 2017